Thursday, November 08, 2007

Wedding Invitations, Work in Progress

For all you BB Brides out there. As on demand here are the finished products of My sisters Handmade wedding invitations. Please don't be shy to comment on it. This is not a competition that you can't let other brides what you are up to. In fact I think together you might get more out of it. Just leave your questions here instead of e-mailing me so my sister can respond to some of your questions that I don't have the answer too. Enjoy.


Lucas said...

i think they're excellent! and i think it's great she's doing them herself. le da un toque personal que lo aprecian tanta ella como los invitados.

Anonymous said...

ay q lindo eres jose!!
dame un call cuando puedas,
we need to talk

Diana Luskca Troche-Pimentel said...

The blog as a means of family communication.... I like it.

:D love you guys.