Saturday, November 28, 2009

WOOHOOOO!!!!! November Goals!

2 out of 3 with only one left to go.

1)my scarf... DONE!

2)50,000 in 30 days... Incredibly uber amazingly DONE!! I wanna tear into in and start editing it now. I was hating it today, and yesterday now i want to print it out and hug it!

3)thomas scarf... almost done ;) still have til monday

I've finished things I've started no matter how impossible how bad or how hard it seemed.

*special thanks to Ivy (bombshellwithin) for the repeated pep talks I really really really really couldn't have done it without you and if this ever sees they light of day, you already know the dedication is yours.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I finished it!

I knitted this scarf for the upcoming winter. I managed to actually finish it. w00t w00t!

Stacking craze! part II

He gets really fancy with the stacking!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

w00t w00t

tricky little bugger to take a pic, but if you look behind the take screenshoot you can see the word count window :) BOOYAH!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

@ the park

we're at the park. Slides, swings, horses, bridges and yet he just wants
to play with the rocks. boys!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monday, November 09, 2009

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

thomas being silly

he's giving me his 'surprised' face.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

have no fear, superman is here!


Superman & halloween


Sometimes telling the truth saves lives.

i"m doing laundry when Thomas comes running in,"i feed fishie! Fishie is gone!! maMA!!!!" I'm confused, we had already fed the fish, Looking into the bowl i see there is no fish, not because he was gone but because Thomas had dumped the whole bottle of fish food in the bowl. It was sucking up the water leaving the bowl emptier and emptier by the second! its okay Mommy came to the rescue.Had to scoop the layer of food first before I could see movement in the water. I got him out and placed him in his other tank. Lucky fish Thomas fessed up before the food ballooned up and left him without water. That was my OMG WTF moment of the day. Ta-da!