Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thomas' Room

Here are some picture of thomas' room

Friday, October 26, 2007

"Pumkin Patch" Festival

It was freakishly hot, grimy, dusty, smelled of animal feces that where cages not even 4 ft from the place where kids were to play but atleast he looked cute.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Please choose between 1, 2, 3 (from top to bottom) to enter in the babygap contest. Reply quickly tomorrow is the last day.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just in case you checked in today


Just in case you checked in today. I talked to our brother his number is still the same. He just doesn't answer numbers that are blocked or unregistered (which is about every number out of the Dominican Republic). He says that if you call and leave a message he'll message you right back. He also said he was going to get measured and let you know. By the way if you are wondering why I'm writing this here it because we went over in cell phone minutes so I can't call you until Fri. Same goes to everybody else if you are reading this. Anything else you can reply or e-mail me: dy.luskca@gmail.com


Caminando por el casa.

Showing you his steady walk.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


sorry about my big arm being in the way.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Thomas first sign!

While Thomas understands about 5 different signs and 5-8 words right now, he never really signed before with the purpose of saying something. He would reciprocate signs when I would do them just like he tries to repeat words when I'm pointing things out. This time he signed "all done" from his high chair when he was done eating dinner.

Mientras Tomas entiende acerca de 5 senas y 5 a 8 palabras en este momento, él nunca hizo senas antes con el propósito del decir algo. El intercambiaría los signos cuando yo los hago igual a como él trata de repetir palabras cuando indico las cosas. Esta vez él solo me senalo "ya termine" de su silla cuando él acabo con su cena.

New Clothes

The brown button up shirt took a beating during its first wearing. Thankfully his new leather jacket kept him really warm on the way home. I put his clothes to wash as soon as I took them off. They're still looking new. So don't worry when you see the pics sis. They're fine. Really.

2nd first birthday party

Nara Restaurant (Korean). We ate dinner, sang happy birthday, and ate cake..again. Thomas insisted in eating cake with chopsticks. We did Thomas' Dol which is a Korean celebration for the first year. Arrange many objects around the baby that symbolizes different careers and the baby will choose the one he favors. Thomas picked a magnifying glass meaning a career in the sciences. With doctors and chemist in the family it not a stretch of the imagination.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Enjoying his first sugar rush!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Party! part II

Party! part I

Baby's First Year

In a whole year of firsts it now culminates at baby's first year. No longer a baby, I'll now be running after a mischievous toddler.

Prep for the party.

More decoration pictures...

Friday, October 12, 2007


I don't know how frequently you visit, my only way to know are your comments. Please leave comments. I really appreciate them and look forward to them. Not to mention I won't look like I'm posting to myself. It's good to know Thomas has an audience. Even if it's to say "hey, I was here." It lets me know someone reads and makes me keep it up to date. Thanks, Dee.

The making of the party.

making thomas birthday banners.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Walking around the garden

Thomas likes to help and push his stroller around.

Thomas' wobbly walk

No one was hurt in the making of this clip. He just bumped into my arm, he didn't crash into me.

At a Garden

This is a random garden we found on our way one day walking to the mall. Its just a little open door by a gas station. Robert Louis Stevenson (Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Treasure Island, Swiss Family Robinson) lived here so the historical society keeps it open.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Introducing Tom the Monkey!!

He's crying over the avocado, then he sees the box... There a monkey inside!
He likes the bottons, he thrilled over the monkey noises, but most of all the like the monkey tail. Thomas dropped him in his wagon. It was time to go for our walk and he wanted Tom to come along.

Thomas llora por el aguacate, entonces él ve la caja... ¡Hay un mono adentro! A el le gusto los botones, le encanto los ruidos de mono, pero sobre todo el se enamoro de la cola de mono. Thomas lo puso en su vagón. Era tiempo de ir para nuestra caminata diaria y él aparentme quiere que Tom no acompanara.

Taking a Walk with Tom & Thomas

Thomas makes friends with Tom the Monkey and we walk him around the park.

Thomas se hace amigo de Tom el Mono y nosotros lo andamos alrededor del parque detras de nuestro apartamento.

Swinging at the Park

Swinging at the park after a nice walk with Tom the Monkey.

Columpiando(?) en el parque después de un paseo agradable con Tom el Mono.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Attak of the THOMAS!!!

Thomas look at it with avid interest... Then he takes a HUGE bite out of the poor unsupecting aguacate. I take it away and he has a complete meltdown But then he recovers with Tom the monkey.... That however is another story for another post!

Thomas lo mira con interés ávido..... Entonces él saca un mordisco INMENSO al pobre aguacate. Me llevo el aguacate y Tomas grita y patalea pero él se recupera con Tom el mono. ... ¡Eso sin embargo es otra historia para otro poste!

Monday, October 01, 2007