Thursday, February 04, 2010

Thomas' "THING"

Brio, Thomas & Friends.

Every kid has a thing: cars, sports, drawing. Thomas' thing has always been building, stacking, make elaborate sets from his toys. A while back I got him a train set. A very nice train set, the kind that can grow and adapt with him. I was worried that he would out grow it quickly, but it still remains, after almost a year, his favorite toy even if no new pieces or trains have been added. This makes me comfortable enough to think its work adding to it bit by bit. So we are letting family and friends know, if you ever want to surprise Thomas, just help us add to his train set! Knowing how some of you LOVE to spoil him, we can't accept more that 2 extra pieces at a time since wooden toys are a specialty item and can be pricey.

Hope this helps any of you who always need to ask what Thomas wants.

- The Management

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