Friday, November 02, 2007

Monterey Fog

This has been the weather for the last 4 days. Can't see much in the day and even less at night. The last picture is the view we usually have everyday in early morning hours (7:00 am)when the day is clear. On a clear day we can see across the bay perfectly, on a foggy day you can't see anything after 3ft.


Anonymous said...

Hey, no te quejes, aqui en PR sufrimos un torrencial por casi una semana. It was awful, to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Last pic is a gorgeous view though.

Anonymous said...

Can't you do a countdown to titi's wedding plz? I'll send a pic if you want to added to your blog next to the countdown.
Thanks. That way I know how real and how close my wedding day is.